Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Let's hear it for Twitter. I've used the app for some time - though the badge on my blog used to annoy some of my readers 'cos it took so long to load - but it's only recently I've kept a tab open on my desktop and so added to the fascinating details of my day-to-day existence on a regular basis. Best of all, however, is that I now have some sense of what my offspring are doing - because though they blog, they update small details more often and that's what gives a picture of lives unfolding. Interesting, in a Pepysian sort of way - for you tend to write such things as "and so to bed" at the appropriate moment.

Of course, the downside of all this communication is that you become unreasonably anxious when it's not available. Remember when your friends or family used to go off on a fortnight's holiday and all you got was a postcard after they'd arrived home? How did we survive?

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