Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Interaction online

I've been spending some time over at Blogical Minds where Anne has been encouraging her pupils to blog and has just set up a wiki to use some of my photos from Flickr as stimulus for creative writing. This obviates the need for the pupils to access Flickr directly - it seems this lack of enthusiasm for open net access on the part of the authorities (who are they, these timid people?) is not confined to Argyll and Bute but is alive and well in the land of the free. Ironic, isn't it?

Ewan posted a comment about the function of Web 2.0 in facilitating friendships based on mutual interests and respect, and I think he's right. Do you think it'd help if Dubya was a blogger?


  1. You have my full support on this one, Andrew!

  2. Is there a way of shouting to the unwired? I don't mean the administrators - I'm thinking more of the public whose kids would benefit.

  3. Is this a Soap-box moment, Mrs B?

  4. I completely agree.

  5. George - do you mean you agree I'm on a soap box? Shurely not .....
