Friday, October 27, 2006

Progressing nicely..

I'm delighted to have Progress Report back online and to be able to join in SS's Higher preparation. It's interesting that she feels so happy to be blogging again - and brings it home that I am able to work with her even though I am actually away from home at the moment. Mind, I could do with having my books around me - Higher work is always that bit more demanding on the teacher! - but I can still ask the questions that a good student can use as a springboard, even if only to say "no, no - that is not what I meant at all".

Meanwhile, can I invite other edubloggers to take a look?


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM


    I was delighted to see this post and observe your teaching methods with 'the teens'!

    I was struck by her confidence in you, obviously built up over time. Her final comment about telling your other student about the 'miracles of the blog' was a lovely compliment.
    It's very clear your advice is considered and acted upon.

    What contributes the most to this trust? Is it the fact that you can respond so quickly to work?
    Sometimes I feel that my comments on students' work -which I really want to be a continued conversation that helps learning - are more like letters people send at long intervals. Some people can pick up quickly where they left off last time, some can't.

    Also, given the fact that there is a trust between you and your student author, how do you feel about other people posting comments? Does it get confusing or do people naturally take up a supportive role?

    Very interested in this dynamic!

    PS Hope you are home safe from your travels!


  2. Home again! Part of the trust arises from the fact that I know the student through school (I taught her when I was still there) and through being a colleague of her father. She also realises that I tend to make things work!

    When other people post, there is usually the understanding that I have the final say; if I endorse a comment, that's fine; if I argue, that's fine too because it shows the process. At this level (Higher) I wouldn't expect so many comments as it all becomes a bit specialised, though obviously it'd be great to have the participation of other English teachers. Of course, questions from elsewhere are terrific for expanding the dialogue and clarifying issues if one of us is being obscure.

    The rapid back and forth is the best way to progress - something my other, recalcitrant blogger hasn't yet realised despite my best efforts.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Interesting. I was reading recently some research that had been done on the role marking plays in supporting learning -and one of the key things was timing, especially the speed of the response. There is something important about that 'window of time when students' brains are still processing data'.

    In other words, or as normal people might say -when it's still 'fresh' in our minds.

    Thanks for being so frank about your experience in this arena Chris.

    Must have a look at your wild water photos!

