Tonight the Light of Christ returned to our darkened church, in a service quite unlike any other. Hugh our rector lit a fire in the grounds outside the church - mercifully the rain held off - and a sizeable crowd from the other churches in Dunoon joined us as he pressed into the paschal candle the grains of incense to symbolise the five wounds of Christ. He then lit the candle from the new flame, and we processed into the dark church proclaiming "The light of Christ" three times as everyone lit their wee candles from the big one.
The service continued by candlelight - Old Testament readings, responsorial psalms, renewing of baptismal vows - and ended with "Ye choirs of new Jerusalem". After the solitude of our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, it was strange but heartening to be joined by so many people. I hope the visitors from other traditions gained from our special service.
On a less serious note, we had a thoroughly jolly time this afternoon creating the Easter Garden from the moss of Gethsemane. Di , over at Heathbank has an amusing account of the coy angel and his role in Mark's account of the resurrection - which we will have tomorrow morning.
Normal life may be resumed soon - though I wouldn't bank on it.
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