Thursday, May 07, 2009

At the billet

An unlikely company has assembled on the Front Line close to Delville Wood, on the Somme. We're about to go foraging for dinner, but meanwhile the sun is still warm and the scent from the wisteria is intoxicating. A la prochaine!


  1. I may have been jealous if I wasn't looking forward to a visit to Lesbos for a fortnight starting on Thursday next week! Enjoy!

  2. I am jealous! I won't get back until next March.

    Where else are you going in the area? Notre Dame de Lorette (near Vimy Ridge) is highly recommended to get a sense of the scale. As I say to the kids, it is roughly the population of Perth in one cemetery.

    Looking forward to your next post(s)/photos...

  3. Wistaria. Som(m)e would have it otherwise. Aw, let's call the whole thing off!

  4. Amazing.
    I just read on Wikipedia about the Delville Wood. How tragic for both the South Africans and the Scots.
    It must seem "haunting" to visit such a place!

  5. I know that bloke on the far right (with the beard), he's a poet and fellow blogger. I guess you were on the same trip, suddenly the world seems so small!
