Monday, March 02, 2009

The Mills of God?

Ok, I admit it. I'm feeling just a little smug. Let me explain. I was taking a quick look at the site of the Scottish Episcopal Church" - just to see if there was any news of interest before I head off to our diocesan Synod tomorrow. And there I found the main item of news to be the re-appearance of the Lent Blog to which I referred the other day. Quite apart from the fact that it's good to see a blog to which I contribute being highlighted, there's the whole business of blogging within the church.

It seems only yesterday, though it's more like three years, since I was being patronised at General Synod for my enthusiastic (and public) endorsement of blogging as a means of communication and ministry. It is exactly a year since I addressed the Diocesan Synod on communications, and in particular Web 2.0-type communications, and was variously laughed at, quietly, ignored and berated by people who seemed to have no intention of ever taking up any of my suggestions. But I shall obviously just have to wait. The more far-flung parts of this diocese - the ones with most to gain from internet use - obviously have a long journey to make before they catch up, but today's news story gives me hope.

It's these Mills of God, isn't it - they grind kinda slowly, even now.


  1. I have been reading the entries on the Lent blog, and they are so awesome. A wonderful anthology...and, why not an English teacher to try to initiate just such a work?

    Take a bow, dear lady! I love the pieces exhibited. Each as unique as the hand that wrote it! This is certainly a lovely, thought-provoking work.

  2. PS...

    (gads, HOW did I forget to say this?)

    The photos of your grandson are so priceless! He is gorgeous and I love the one with your hubby and him together..

  3. Actually, the priest who initiated it is well into online communication - but it's the fact that the church as a whole is now pushing something which I advocated which pleases me.
