Friday, December 23, 2005

And it's goodnight from him

David's blog recently commented "Ewan's brain is positively fizzing with stuff at the moment" - and now it's fizzing away chez moi .... I shall never think again! This is the moment when I revert to being a domestic goddess instead of an embryonic geek, and my thoughts turn to recipes for red cabbage and plum pudding. (No, not together).
Actually right now it's a bit like Walton's Mountain at The Blethers - remember all these voices calling "goodnight" at the end of each unbelievably twee show?

Goodnight, John-boy ...goodnight.....


  1. Domestic goddess? Now that's conjured up a new image!

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Chris, thanks for tipping me off about your blog. Very enjoyable, and it is good for me to hit the 'net to discover the meaning of words such as "twee." I will drop in from time to time, gambling on the fact that you are retired and so will revel in the freedom not to excoriate one for comma faults, etc.

  3. Ah, but I always did it so kindly, Lou!
