And on the way home I saw a wondrous sight. There were sheep grazing on the grass pyramids at what was the Motorola factory on the M8. They were quite unlike the daft sheep in yesterday's game. They were a wonderful, un-sheepish red.

"Blether - n. foolish chatter. - v.intr. chatter foolishly [ME blather, f. ON blathra talk nonsense f. blathr nonsense]" - Concise Oxford Dictionary.
I heard about the red sheep on the radio. Did you manage a photo?
ReplyDeleteApparently this is the first advertising stunt of this year to promote the pyramid estate. The sheep were dyed red using 'non-harmful' colour.
ReplyDelete(From the Department of Literary Pretentions)
ReplyDeleteCast your mind back to the dim & distant - to Virgil's Eclogues, number 4 in particular. If I remember aright, the sheep therein came with ready-coloured fleeces, thus saving the dyers a lot of trouble (or rendering them workless, as the case may be - that's progress for you).
Incidentally, the same poem helped save Virgil from the ravages of the early Church fanatics, who saw, in his vision of a Golden Age about to dawn, a Messianic prophecy, instead of a bit of Augustus flattery.
Pretentious? Ego?
Golly. You all know so much about these sheep (reddy-coloured, O learned one!) and I merely saw them - and no, I didn't manage a photo at 70mph - just a gasp and a giggle.
ReplyDeleteabf - you be as pretentious as you like, pet - I love it!
Damn! I missed the chance for paronomasia. I blush - reddy-coloured.
ReplyDeleteI love it when you talk purty.